We recognise that nature restoration takes a variety of forms – from traditional land stewardship to innovative technological solutions. As such, The Iris Prize rewards new ideas and established projects, hoping to overcome the circumstantial barriers that too often prevent young people from being able to advocate for nature-related change.
The Seed Prize
The Stem Prize
The Iris Prize
How to apply.
Applications open March 1st – April 30th, 2024
Each year, our team and Advisory Panel create a shortlist of applicants for each prize, which is then reviewed by our Judging Panel who select the winners. You can find out more information about them below.
- James Thornton
Environmental Lawyer and Writer
- Aliza Ayaz
United Nations Goodwill Ambassador
- Afroz Shah
Environmental Activist and Lawyer
- Melati Wijsen
Changemaker and Movement Builder
- Kate Rothschild
Iris' Mother, Environmental Philanthropist & Music Industry Executive
- Wanjira Mathai
Vice President and Regional Director for Africa at the World Resources Institute
- Elizabeth Wathuti
Environmentalist and Climate Activist
- Dr Enric Sala
National Geographic Explorer in Residence
“The world – at present – has two kinds of people – followers and leaders. The former is in abundance and the latter is in rarity. The Iris Prize is identifying young leaders. This honour of receiving the prize will give young leaders the right push – to inspire many more young leaders to step forward and lead.”
“I believe that young people can accelerate change. My mission at YOUTHTOPIA is completely aligned to The Iris Project’s objectives – to provide space that brings young people together, ignites their passions and grows their skills to become active changemakers.”
“The Iris Project is so important to me because not only does it honour the memory of my brilliant, nature loving daughter Iris, it also supports young people in the fight for their future, and there is nothing more important than that. Iris would have been so proud of what The Iris Project has set out to achieve.”
“We are facing a triple planetary crisis of nature loss, climate change and pollution. And young people are working hard to safeguard their future by developing solutions to these deeply interconnected problems can find it difficult to access the funding and resources they need. The Iris Project supports young leaders to overcome this resource barrier and so I am excited to be joining the judging panel.”
Got questions about the Prize or how to apply? Here are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions.
Can I print-out the application form and fill it in offline?
Yes, you can. A PDF version of the form can be downloaded in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Arabic (coming soon).
Do you only support projects that already exist?
We will consider any project for the Iris Prize which supports our core principles; namely championing the protection and restoration of nature, and rights of those working to defend it. We recognise that nature restoration takes a variety of forms – from traditional land stewardship, to innovative technological solutions. As such, the Iris Prize will look to reward new ideas and established projects, hoping to overcome the circumstantial barriers that too often prevent young people from being able to advocate for nature-related change.
How can I apply?
Provided you fulfil our awards criteria, you are eligible to apply for an Iris Prize. You can either fill out an application yourself or ask a nominating partner to support you to do so. Go to our website’s ‘How to Apply’ section to learn more.
Why young people?
Young people are at the centre of a global movement calling for urgent action to address the climate and ecological emergency. While this movement has brought hope to many, we recognise that young people must be more effectively compensated for their efforts, with less than 1% of institutional climate funding being directed towards youth-led projects. They are being given all the responsibility for “saving the world” but reap none of the rewards. The Iris Project hopes to address this through the provision of grant funding and mentorship that can harness young people’s potential whilst rewarding them financially for their work.
Why nature?
We believe that the protection and restoration of nature should form a central part of any strategy seeking to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Whilst this should not be treated as an alternative solution to the rapid and urgent decarbonisation of the global economy, we recognise the multitude of benefits that locally-led nature restoration can bring, especially when approaches are grounded in justice, equity and inclusion.
What do you mean by 'Capacity-Building'?
Building someone’s ability to deliver on the objectives of their project. All prize winners will receive individualised capacity-building support, helping them maximise their project impact; this could take the form of anything from media training to financial support for our prize winners’ families to enable them to spend more time on their projects. All winners and runners-up are invited to join the youth-led CoalitionWILD 6-month Leadership Development accelerator programme.
Do applications have to be in English?
We do not want language to become a barrier to prize funding. As such we accept applications in any language and have translated the application form into Spanish, French, Arabic and Portuguese. We also accept both audio and written submissions.