To create a sustainable waste management systems using black soldier fly larvae, Project Mila will collect organic waste from the local community and feed it to the larvae, converting it into protein feed and frass. It promotes a circular economy by converting organic waste into valuable resources like protein feed and nutrient-rich fertiliser. With the Seed Prize grant, Nusra will invest in critical infrastructure, equipment, and technology to enhance waste management processes and increase capacity. Project Mila will establish collection points, improve transportation logistics, and optimise the larval-rearing facilities.
In the rhythmic heart of Swahili culture, the word “Mila” resonates between tradition and custom. It’s more than just a name; it embodies a powerful ethos of interconnectedness and unity. With this as its foundation, Project Mila embarks on a mission to revitalise our relationship with the environment, uplift communities, and foster a culture that harmonises with nature. Project Mila envisions a culture that supports biodiversity through a holistic approach to waste management and sustainable agricultural practices. By using black soldier fly larvae as an alternative to protein feed and producing environmentally friendly fertiliser from grass, Project Mila hopes to minimise conventional, resource-intensive farming methods, reducing the pressure on the natural ecosystem in Mombasa.
As a youth-led organisation, education will be a crucial aspect of Project Mila. The team will create storybooks for children to educate them about nature and biodiversity, nurturing a generation of change-makers in Mombasa.
Nusra Juriah Abed is a committed community health promoter and aspiring medic, championing access to good health and well-being. Nusra is passionate about driving positive change through technology and community engagement and actively contributes to mangrove restoration efforts by utilising innovative techniques like black soldier fly larvae, frass and community gardening.
With the Seed Prize grant, Nusra will realise her vision for Project Mila. She will establish a scalable system for black soldier fly larvae cultivation, larvae processing, and frass production. Through these initiatives, Nusra hopes to inspire a robust waste-handling culture that significantly reduces the amount of waste entering the ocean and landfills.
They’ve tested 50 mangrove seedlings nurtured in black soldier fly larvae before being planted during conservation events in Jomvu, Mombasa. By promoting the utilisation of frass, Nusra hopes to enhance local biodiversity, support nature, and contribute to the conservation of her local ecosystem.